Top SEO Techniques to Drive Organic Traffic

 The world of SEO is fascinating. Google updates its search engine ranking algorithm hundreds of times per year. Last year’s SEO strategy may not work this year, and today’s SEO strategy may not work next year. With each passing day, the online market becomes more competitive! In today’s digital era, maintaining a competitive edge in your industry has become the new normal. Having an industry-specific SEO strategy is critical for any business, whether it’s a startup, a small business, or a large corporation.

Understand Your Site’s Core Web Vitals

Core web vitals is a new SEO term you may not be familiar with. However, by 2022, you’ll need to know what these terms mean and the metric benchmarks that go with them. Page Experience, a new algorithm that ranks pages based on Google’s core web vital scores, will be released in May. They’re a set of metrics that measure speed, responsiveness, and visual stability, according to Google.

E-A-T Theory

For Google, a website’s reputation has become a key factor, and the EAT (Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) theory explains why! Reviews, ratings, customer feedback, and other factors are used to determine a website’s authenticity and credibility. A clever way to highlight all of your accreditations and awards while also ensuring that your website is regularly updated with high-quality content. Even if you receive negative feedback, respond professionally.

Optimize for Google Passage Ranking

In October of 2020, Google introduced Passage ranking, which allows individual passages on web pages to be ranked alongside the entire page. What is the significance of this? This means that Google can extract sections from a page, even if the page is about a different subject than the one displayed in the SERP. For example, suppose you wrote a blog post about social media marketing that covered a variety of topics such as tools, strategy, metrics, networks, and so on. Even if you haven’t optimised for the keyword social media marketing tools, your page could still rank for it.

Website Security

According to a study, a hacker is active on the internet every 39 seconds. Enabling the HTTPS protocol for your website is the best way to protect your website and its content. Even Google considers your encrypted website to be good and gives it a minor SEO boost.

Run An Audit

How often do you conduct a site audit? Auditing your website is an important SEO technique because it allows you to identify errors and flaws that can affect your website’s search engine ranking. Do you want to increase your search engine traffic? It’s best to figure out what’s getting in the way of your success and fix it. A site audit will assist you in identifying SEO issues that are affecting your website’s visibility. You can conduct a comprehensive site audit using both free and paid tools. Google Search Console (GSC) is a free SEO tool provided by Google that allows you to monitor the performance of your website as well as technical issues.

Build Up Your Backlinks

Backlinks are the heart of SEO. You can’t have a solid SEO strategy in 2022 if you don’t focus on building high-quality backlinks to your site. Why? Backlinks are an important part of establishing brand authority. Expertise, authority, and trustworthiness will be more important than ever in 2022, according to our research. When a site with a well-established reputation links back to yours, your EAT factor rises, and Google sees your site as a viable option for searchers.

Optimize Featured Snippets

If you haven’t already, featured snippets should be a part of your strategy in 2022. Featured snippets, also known as the holy grail of search, appear in a rectangular box at the very top of the SERP page, in position zero. While you can’t choose which content appears in a featured snippet, you can optimise your content to make it more likely to appear in one.

SEO, as you all know, is the short form of Search Engine Optimization. In the world of digital marketing, this marketing strategy plays an important role in helping you increase your reach to potential customers. In short, having SEO as a key part of your digital marketing strategy is crucial to help search engines find, crawl and index your website into their catalog. No doubt that in this digital era, SEO is as important as anything. As the top digital marketing agency in Kochi, with a highly experienced digital marketing team at our disposal, CRAB Network has unlocked the most crucial SEO trends for the year 2022. Digital marketers, agencies, and businesses alike are prepared for 2022, arguably more so than ever before. Are you excited to prepare your brand and business to face the upcoming competitive market in 2020? If yes, strategize your moves with the expert digital marketing agency in Kerala.


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