Graphic Design Tips|Best Designing Company in Kochi

 Graphic design cannot be reduced to a simple equation or a plug-and-play solution. However, there are simple principles that even the most inexperienced designers or non-designers can apply to achieve a successful outcome.

Creating images like a pro is more involved than you might think, from the colours and images you choose to the overall mood. A professional-looking graphic design incorporates numerous elements. Fortunately, it is possible to learn how to create sharp, eye-catching graphics.

Limit the number of fonts you use

This is possibly the most common tip. They strongly advise you to use multiple fonts in a single design, but not to go overboard.

You should always make sure that your fonts complement one another and try to keep the number of fonts you use to three or less. Experiment and play with the fonts that are already installed in the software you’re using, or you can always download free fonts from reputable font websites.

Use a cohesive color palette

Color palettes and colour schemes are just as important as the message you want your design to convey. Choosing the ideal colour combination, on the other hand, is not always simple. Color palettes can be created by extracting colours from images.

Use fonts to help inform the mood of your design

Choose a typeface that sings your content’s song. Typefaces with rounded edges are typically more friendly (Quicksand is used here); hard-edged geometric fonts (sans serifs) are solid and strong; and serifs convey an elegant and sophisticated appearance.

Know Your Audience

It is critical to consider who you are designing for when creating a design. Graphic designers create visual messages, and those messages are frequently intended for people who are very different from you. This may imply making design decisions based on your audience’s preferences rather than your own.

Don’t be afraid to go BIG

When choosing elements for your design, remember: larger objects attract more attention than smaller objects. If you’re using multiple elements, make sure your main object is larger than the others, as your viewer’s eye will be drawn to the larger of the two. Scale all elements of your design, including text, elements, and buttons.

Use white space when you can

Less is more, as the saying goes. You don’t always need to use a lot of colours, elements, or fonts to convey your message. I was speaking with a particular designer, and he advised me to use white space whenever possible. Using white space keeps your message from getting lost in the chaos and noise of your design.

White space is elegant, simple, yet sophisticated, and lovely. And the best part is that it requires almost no effort on your part! But when does a designer ever stop working?

Research before you start designing

Before you start writing or creating, make sure you have all of the necessary information. Study, read, research, and gather information. The research process will ensure a more thought-out result, whether it’s materials and objects or information and facts.

Test Different Styles of Alignment

While proper alignment is essential in graphic design, not everything must be perfectly centred. Logos can be placed in the corner of a graphic, or text can be purposefully broken up in an asymmetrical manner.

The important thing to remember here is to make sure that the graphics and visuals you use look good and that the information in your design is organised logically. The text in the preceding example is all aligned to the left, while the icon is aligned to the right. What makes this work is that all of the elements are centred within the graphic’s boundaries.

Best Designing Company in Kochi

CRAB Network

As a top designing company in Kochi, They have a team of creative minds that invents new ideas for your brand and business. The team creates worthwhile and inventive designs for customers to assist them in maintaining their versatility in competition, attract the audience, and promote business growth. The infographics, presentations, motion graphics, e books, flyers, hoardings, brochures and various other stationery their design are based on the research they conduct for maximizing customer interaction.


Magiccodz Software Solutions is one of Kochi’s most well-known graphic design firms, staying up to date on all the latest graphic design trends and insights, as well as branding and marketing tools, to help you meet your clients’ changing needs. Our mission is to keep your business one step ahead of the competition. Allow us to handle all of your graphic design needs. Our graphic designers have previously created brochures, product packaging, social media posts, restaurant menu cards, and innovative branding. We have a talented team of graphic designers in Kochi who are always eager to bring your ideas to life.


Because design is at the heart of everything, making a good first impression in this competitive world means developing a professional image and eye-catching materials. Graphic design is a method of projecting concepts through visual communication, which includes conveying ideas through simple messages with high impact. At Zillion Info Solutions, we create innovative, distinctive, and identity designs that leave a lasting impression on your customers and help them recognise your brand.


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