Why Digital Marketing is Important for Business

 Digital marketing is important because it connects a company with its customers while they are online and is effective across all industries. It connects businesses with ideal customers on Google via SEO and PPC, on social media via social media marketing, and via email via email marketing. Are you looking for top digital marketing agency in kochi? I suggest CRAB NETWORK. CRAB Network in the first place is a tech-enabled digital marketing agency in Kerala that creates custom strategies for clients based on their goals and needs. Our team of writers, designers, developers, marketers know what it takes to produce the real results online and we keep focussing on the metrics that gave the most results in terms of positive leads and revenue generated.

Cost Effective And Faster

Digital marketing is less expensive than traditional marketing. Spending money on traditional advertising is insufficient if your company has limited resources. Even printing flyers for your company is costly and time-consuming.

However, with digital marketing, your small business can begin the process right away. You only need to conduct some research before attempting any of the above-mentioned types of digital marketing.


Digital marketing is significantly less expensive than traditional marketing methods. Prices vary depending on what you’re doing, but ad spend is typically lower than other forms of marketing.

You reach people where they spend their time

Your customers are online, emphasising the significance of digital marketing. They’re searching the web for your products or services. You risk losing those leads to your competitors if they can’t find them because you don’t have an online presence. You must establish an online presence in order to achieve the best results for your company. You will reach more leads who are interested in your products or services.


In addition to allowing you to communicate with customers, digital marketing allows you to track their activities. You can track which ads and types of content they have seen before making a purchase. This informs you of the most effective marketing methods, allowing you to fine-tune and improve your strategy.

Brand Awareness

Putting your brand out there on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, and others, as well as social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Quora, and Facebook, will earn you an online reputation that everyone on the planet can see. Digital marketing can help you raise awareness of your brand and its unique selling point (Unique Selling Proposition). If a customer is unfamiliar with your brand, he will not convert. To address this, brand visibility is critical. 

High Reach

Another reason to incorporate digital marketing this time is that you need to build relationships with your customers.

Customer service is an important aspect of digital marketing. It means that marketing experts cultivate relationships with customers by reaching out to answer their questions, resolve problems with a product, and convert them into repeat customers. Building a good relationship with your audience can help your business.


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