Fissure-in-ano treatment in Banglore

 An anal fissure is a tiny tear in the thin, moist tissue (mucosa) that lines the anus. When you pass large or hard stools during a bowel movement, an anal fissure may develop. Anal fissures frequently result in discomfort and bleeding during bowel movements. Additionally, the muscle ring at the end of your anus may spasm (anal sphincter).

What is an anal fissure?

An anal fissure is a small tear or split in the skin that lines the anus. The opening in your bottom known as the anus is where faeces (poo) exit the body. Anal cracks occur frequently. People of all ages and genders may experience them.
Even though an anal fissure might be quite painful, it normally gets better if you adjust your diet and apply some straightforward remedies. A tiny ulcer develops when a split doesn’t heal properly.


In addition to performing a physical examination that includes a light examination of the anal region, your doctor will probably inquire about your medical history. The tear is frequently apparent. This examination is typically all that is required to identify an anal fissure.

An acute anal fissure resembles a paper cut or a fresh rip. In addition to having a deeper rip, a chronic anal fissure may also contain internal or external fleshy growths. If a fissure persists for more than eight weeks, it is deemed chronic.

  • Anoscopy. 
  • Flexible sigmoidoscopy. 
  • Colonoscopy. 

When should I see my doctor?

  • Blood on your stool
  • Blood on your toilet paper
  • You have pain when you are doing a poo

Fissure-in-ano treatment

Medical treatment for an anal fissure may include:

  • pain-relieving medication
  • laxatives
  • anaesthetic creams: Topical anesthetic creams such as lidocaine hydrochloride (Xylocaine) may be helpful for pain relief.
  • nitroglycerin creams or Botox injections to relax the associated muscle spasm.
  • surgery.
  • Externally applied nitroglycerin (Rectiv): Externally applied nitroglycerin (Rectiv), to help increase blood flow to the fissure and promote healing and to help relax the anal sphincter. When other conservative medical treatments fail, nitroglycerin is typically regarded as the preferred option. Headaches, which can be quite severe, are possible side effects.
  • Blood pressure medications, such as oral nifedipine (Procardia) or diltiazem (Cardizem) can help relax the anal sphincter. These medications may be taken by mouth or applied externally and may be used when nitroglycerin is not effective or causes significant side effects.

Surgical treatment for fissure in ano

Your doctor could advise surgery if you have a chronic anal fissure that is unresponsive to other therapies or if your symptoms are severe. In order to lessen spasm, pain, and facilitate healing, doctors frequently perform a technique known as lateral internal sphincterotomy that involves severing a small piece of the anal sphincter muscle. According to studies, surgery is by far the most effective treatment option for chronic fissures. Surgery does, however, have a minor risk of resulting in incontinence.

Under local anaesthetic, a procedure known as Closed Sphincterotomy is used to cut a tight anal sphincter on the anal canal’s side. There is virtually immediate relief.

Fissure-in-ano treatment in Banglore

The Piles & Proctology Clinic, Mysore was started in 1991 with the aim to provide simple, outpatient surgical treatment for common anorectal diseases like Piles or Hemorrhoids and Fissure-in-ano. Later we expanded to the cities of Bangalore and Coimbatore and we are now one of the most trusted piles & proctology clinics in Bangalore.


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