Ayurvedic Treatment for Fissure-in-ano

 Ayurved is an ancient medical system that is not recognised for providing quick solutions. Ayurved focuses on long-term cure rather than symptomatic treatment. Nonetheless, Ayurvedic treatment for fissures might provide immediate relief with long-term results. Although anal fissures are not considered dangerous, they can cause considerable pain and bleeding during or after bowel motions. Anal fissures heal in most cases between 4 to 6 weeks, but this can vary depending on the severity of the condition.

Clinical Setting

In severe cases or incidences of chronic anal fissures, more dramatic intervention, such as surgery, may be required to cure the issue. Fortunately, ancient Ayurvedic healers devised a minimally invasive parasurgical treatment that is quite effective. The procedure, known as kshara sutra treatment, is mentioned in several of the most important Ayurvedic writings by Sushruta and Charaka. The operation, which must be performed in a clinical setting, requires surgical excision but only takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete, with only a few hours of hospitalisation required. Patients recover in 3 to 5 days, with no need for pharmaceutical medicines that can have serious adverse effects.


Haritaki is an Ayurvedic substance that aids digestion and eases bowel movements by balancing the doshas. This fruit extract can aid with piles by detoxifying the body and relieving strain on the excretory system.

Improve Your Diet

The digestive system is the part of your body that begins with the food you eat and finishes with how you eliminate waste. A healthy digestive system is essential for preventing and/or managing digestive issues such as haemorrhoids. A balanced diet is necessary for this.


Turmeric (also known as Haldi) is a staple in most Indian kitchens. With its numerous health benefits, it has a variety of cosmetic, religious, and healthcare applications, one of which is pile management. Turmeric is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herb that can help prevent subsequent microbial infections and manage haemorrhoidal haemorrhage. Aside from that, it can aid in the reduction of anal itchy impulses. According to Ayurveda, turmeric has an alkaline tendency and can have an astringent effect, which can help decrease haemorrhoids. Turmeric also aids digestion and prevents haemorrhoids by increasing the digestive fire (Agni).

Ayurveda has been shown to be safe for bleeding piles, although there are concerns. if you are looking for best piles treatment hospital, I suggest Sharada Surgery & Cryo Sugery Centre, Pilesfissure is the top Piles Treatment Hospital In Bangalore. for Best cryo surgical treatment, ambulatory surgery, Fissure-in-ano treatment in Mysore, Bangalore. They provide best Fissure-in-ano treatment in Banglore


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